Wednesday 13 January 21
Held remotely at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllr Nigel Denison (Chairman), Cllr Peter Mitchell, Cllr Mark Darwin, Steve Laux (co-opted member), John Featherstone (co-opted member) and Roger Clements (Clerk)
- Apologies for Absence
- The Chairman was pleased to see all members present and welcomed John Featherstone as the newly co-opted member.
- To receive any Declarations of Interest not already declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
- No declarations were made.
- Public Forum
- No points were raised.
- Arrangements for Main Street tree planting – all was ready for planting of 5 trees at the end of January. Exact locations would be confirmed with input from those householders adjacent to each tree.
- ‘Balsam Bashing’ plan for 2021 – Himalayan balsam was an invasive species and a plan to eradicate it on council land was discussed. Eradication was thought difficult but a 90% reduction was thought possible over a period of a few years through strimming and pulling out at the roots. John F to produce the scheme, with a plan of affected areas, and a provisional start date of 22 May. Clerk to liaise with Helperby Estate to seek a co-ordinated approach.
- Cobbles Re-Instatement Plan
- Update on photogrammetry project – covid restrictions have slowed progress but a re-start will begin as soon as conditions allow (the cobbles need to be dry). Additional photographers will be recruited and work will progress on a property-by-property basis.
- Priority areas for renovation – experience gained showed how labour intensive the work is; local volunteers can undertake small scale repairs but contractors are likely to be required for larger areas. The area around the war memorial/access to the village hall remains the top priority.
- Plan for the delivery of repairs – a prioritised list of small areas for repair will be produced by Cllr Denison and Steve L for discussion at the next meeting. A list of approved contractors (ideally up to three) will be formed, each to be provided, by the Council, with a re-laying scheme specifying technique and materials against which their quotations may be calculated; during each contract the Council will appoint an individual to monitor progress against the scheme.
- Maintenance requirements and costs for cobbles including street cleaning and weeding – trials would be needed for selection of hired street sweeping and weeding machinery. Chemical methods for weeding would be avoided and a steam weed-suppression machine from Task-it, Harrogate will be trialled in the spring. Costs at present unknown but thought to in the order of £150/£300 per hire for both sweeping and weeding machinery. Steve L to produce a draft Cobbles Care leaflet for householders for discussion at the next meeting. Cllr Denison to research grants for young people to train in cobble laying with the intention of raising a small local workforce.
- Date of next Meeting 7 April 2021