Tuesday 09 July 2019
Held at 7.30pm in Helperby Village Hall
Present: Cllr Chris Owens (Chairman), Cllr Andy Cuthbert (Vice Chairman), Cllr Andy Topps, Cllr Nigel Denison, Cllr Mark Darwin
- Receive Apologies for Absence
- Cllrs Pam Jackson-Vickers and Peter Mitchell sent their apologies
- Declarations of Interest
- No declarations were made.
- Business Matters
- To resolve to exclude members of the press and public from Agenda item 3.2 due to the nature of the business to be transacted being prejudicial to the public interest
- Proposed: Cllr Mark Darwin; Seconded: Cllr Nigel Denison; Resolved on a unanimous vote
- To approve arrangements to make one of the Council’s clerks redundant
- Cllr Owens noted the steps that had been taken to deal with the duplication of the clerk’s role which came about as a result of the Reorganisation Order issued by Hambleton District Council, vis
- To resolve to exclude members of the press and public from Agenda item 3.2 due to the nature of the business to be transacted being prejudicial to the public interest
- Appointment of HR advisor, Jane Hudson, from Community First Yorkshire as agreed at the last PC meeting
- At Risk meeting with both clerks, Cllr Owens and Cllr Cuthbert, led by Jane Hudson, at which a sequential process was identified and agreed to examine opportunities to avoid a redundancy by job sharing; invite both clerks to consider volunteering to be made redundant, in recognition of which a supplementary redundancy payment would be made; or resort to selection interviews with both clerks individually, using a standard set of assessment criteria with the responses scored to provide a quantitative basis for selection for redundancy.
- Both clerks met subsequently to explore the feasibility of a job share, and both concluded that it was impracticable. Roger Clements confirmed this by e-mail, and Sandra Windross confirmed verbally to the Chairman.
- SW requested, in an e-mail dated 1 July 2019 to Jane Hudson, Cllr Owens and Cllr Cuthbert, voluntary redundancy and the associated incentive payment (offered to both candidates).
- Resolved unanimously to accept SW’s request for voluntary redundancy and to express their great thanks for her long service to the community. Chairman to draft letter accepting the offer and giving formal notice with details of redundancy payment etc, for discussion with Jane Hudson and YLCA to ensure all requisite details are in the correct form.
Date of next meeting – Wednesday 17 July 2019