Wednesday 8 Nov 22
Held in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllr Nigel Denison (Chairman), Cllr Peter Mitchell, Cllr Pam Jackson-Vickers, Cllr Ben Carter, Cllr Matt Boyle, Roger Clements (Clerk) and several members of the public.
- Apologies for Absence
- Apologies were received from Cllrs Brown and Darwin.
- Declarations of Interest not already declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
- No declarations were made.
- Public Participation
- Several members of the public raised objections to the planning application at 4.2 below.
- The development of the old car park area had been extended to incorporate additional arable land.
- The development plot, with additional tree planting, was close to the Balk Avenue boundary with implications for light restrictions and noise pollution.
- Removal of a stretch of hedging on Back Lane would take away valuable wildlife habitat.
- The development would add traffic to an already narrow stretch of Back Lane and reduce safety for vehicles and other users.
- Building a group of 2-storey dwellings within an existing group of bungalows had privacy implications for existing occupants.
- The drainage plan seemed poor and was likely to increase the likelihood of flooding in Back Lane and increase the discharge of raw sewage into the river.
- Although Brafferton & Helperby was described as a ‘service village’ by the District Council it had fewer services than those claimed by the developer.
- Planning matters
- Planning Application 22/02409/CAT, work to a tree in a conservation area at Fold Lodge, Dunroyal, Helperby – the Council had no objection to the application.
- Planning Application 22/02422/FUL, proposed construction of 4 dwellings on land adjacent to the telephone exchange on Back Lane, Helperby
- Councillors shared some of the concerns raised by parishioners. However, it acknowledged that the village must expect to grow and small-scale developments were the preferred way to achieve this
- Council would respond to the application:
- The frontage of the building plot opens onto the narrowest portion of Back Lane where there are safety issues for vehicles and other road users. It should stand back from the lane sufficiently to allow the road to be widened.
- The plot includes arable land beyond the area of the original car park.
- Inserting 2-storey dwellings into an area of bungalows has privacy issues, especially where the plot abutted the Balk Avenue boundary.
- The drainage plan proposed was likely to increase flooding along the Back Lane and the discharge of foul water into the river.