Wednesday 19 May 21
Held at 7.30pm in Helperby Village Hall
Present: Cllr Nigel Denison (Chairman), Cllr Peter Mitchell (Vice Chairman), Cllr Deirdre Brown, Cllr Mark Darwin, Cllr Jean Featherstone, Cllr Pam Jackson-Vickers, Roger Clements (Clerk) and 8 parishioners.
Chairman welcomed parishioners to the first face to face meeting for over a year and remarked on the pleasure to be a part of returning normality as covid restrictions were relaxed.
- Chairman’s report of the year to 31 March 2021
- Chairman presented his report for the year. The report may be read by visiting the Council’s website at
- Public Forum
- Mr Oxley observed that it was 15 years ago when he began to research the ownership of the village cobbles. His research lay dormant until recently revived by the council and now he was delighted to see all come together in the transfer of ownership of the Helperby cobbles to the parish council.
- The subject of traffic through the village and pedestrian use of Main Street was a topic which exercised several speakers. It was generally held that vehicles commonly exceeded the 30-mph limit and pedestrians frequently found fast/large vehicles passing very close to them when they used the footway between road and cobbles. There was also concern that traffic speeds were high along Back Lane and speeding was thought to be particularly prevalent on the Raskelf Road entry into the village; the Council was asked to report the level of feeling to NYCC. Chairman said the council was well aware of the issues and sought a solution which retained the historic streetscape while protecting pedestrians; a traffic management scheme was thought possible but was yet to be designed.
- Mr Laux commented on the increasing numbers of cars parking on the Main Street cobbles. He asked whether a village car park might be considered, possibly at the now vacated Oak Tree overspill car park. Chairman noted the comment and thought this a suitable element for the Neighbourhood Plan to include – perhaps even as a possible site for vehicle electric charging points.
- Mr Oxley asked for the rule which applied to the continuous white lining edging on Main Street (Afternote: no rule could be found beyond it defining the edge of the carriageway).
- Mr Midgley asked why there was no Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) in Main Street as an aid to controlling vehicle speeds. Chairman said that the whole issue of traffic excess speed and its remedy could only be treated effectively with supporting evidence; the council was about to commission evidence gathering at 3 locations in the village. Once the data was available a VAS was one of the options for consideration.
- Mrs Hartley asked for the latest on the 33 dwellings development around the Balk Lane houses (planning application 21/00824/OUT). Mr Westermann believed there was a potential issue with the drains on Back Lane which would be exacerbated if the development went ahead. Chairman read out the Council’s response to Hambleton District Council (HDC) planning department and encouraged parishioners to respond to HDC whenever they have opinions about planning applications – the greater the number of responses the more pressure is brought to bear. The HDC decision is awaited and all documents can be viewed on the HDC website at
- Mrs Hartley asked for news on re-opening of the Helperby surgery. None was available.