Monday 9 May 22
Held at 7.30pm in Helperby Village Hall
Present: Cllr Nigel Denison (Chairman), Cllr Mark Darwin, Cllr Pam Jackson-Vickers, Roger Clements (Clerk) and approx. 20 parishioners.
- Apologies for Absence
- Apologies were received from Cllrs Brown, Boyle, Carter and Mitchell.
- Declarations of Interest not already declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
- No declarations were made.
- Public Participation – Chairman invited comments on each planning application in turn:
- 28 dwelling development on Boroughbridge Road. Although only reserved matters remained to be agreed parishioners were concerned with 3 elements of the development – the proportion of Affordable Housing included in the design, the proximity of the site access to a hazardous double bend and the quality and appearance of the houses.
- Council understood the proportion of Affordable Houses to be 50% but could not provide answers on whether the properties would be let or sold though expected the latter. Hambleton DC had very recently, in February, published its Local Plan to 2036 and this was likely to influence its decisions on house construction and appearance but these decisions were beyond the influence of the parish council.
- It was commonly held that the double bend at Brafferton Manor was hazardous and would worsen with increased traffic from the new development. Without evidence of serious RTA incidents or injury NYCC was unlikely to adopt mitigation of the locally perceived problem. However, in the room, issues like traffic lights or priority passage for vehicles were popular. Most considered the chosen access point to the development could only make things worse and should be positioned further north.
- Although it was noted that reasonable selections of materials for bricks, tiles and road surfaces were proposed, the whole estate would be reiterations of a single architect’s vision; something which marred many new developments when they were added to villages which had evolved over centuries.
- 5 house development on Raskelf Road.
- There was concern that the stretch of holly trees bordering the development frontage might be felled. The parish council had applied for a Tree Protection Order on all the holly trees and Hambleton District Council (DC) had placed a condition on the developer to retain all trees and shrubs unless authorised by the DC.
- Traffic speeds in and out of the village on the Raskelf Road remained an issue and the new Traffic Activated Sign had brought a noticeable improvement (but it rotated between all 3 roads into the village).
- Probably in response to complaints concerning the original Outline planning application, the dwelling closest to Manor Drive have been changed to a bungalow. It was, however, noted that the building edge was now closer to the Manor Drive boundary.
- Chairman encouraged all parishioners to make their concerns known to the DC by writing to the Planning department. He closed the topic by outlining the parish council’s progress in producing a Neighbourhood Plan; this was a major undertaking which would produce a vision for future development of the village; it would involve consultation with parishioners and, once published, give the parish council increased influence on future housing development.
- 28 dwelling development on Boroughbridge Road. Although only reserved matters remained to be agreed parishioners were concerned with 3 elements of the development – the proportion of Affordable Housing included in the design, the proximity of the site access to a hazardous double bend and the quality and appearance of the houses.
- To consider the following Planning matters
- Planning Application 21/00966/REM, amended plans received – reserved matters application pursuant to outline permission 16/01142/OUT for landscape, appearance, layout and scale for the construction of 28 dwellings on OS Field 0046 Brafferton to West Moor Brafferton.
- The Council objects to the 2 roads through the development drawn to imply further developments to come east and south of the site; the appearance of the development is dull as it, like so many other nearby sites, comprises minor variations on a single design and set of materials. The Council remained concerned that the site entrance is badly chosen and should be placed further north with consideration given to a chicane adjacent to the 30 mph sign and a safe crossing for pedestrians routing to St Peter’s Close (and the school)
- Planning Application 22/00912/REM, application for approval of reserved matters: appearance, scale and internal layout, including landscaping following approval for 5 dwellings under reference 20/02428/OUT
- The council noted with approval the change from 2-storey to bungalow for the most westerly dwelling. However, it also noted that the bungalow’s western edge was now placed several metres closer to Manor Drive and would wish the whole development to be repositioned eastwards to re-establish the previous spacing. The Council remained concerned over traffic speeds along this stretch of road.
- Planning Application 22/00926/CAT, works to tree in a Conservation Area at 3 Brafferton Hall Gardens, Brafferton – the Council supported this application.
- Planning Application 21/00966/REM, amended plans received – reserved matters application pursuant to outline permission 16/01142/OUT for landscape, appearance, layout and scale for the construction of 28 dwellings on OS Field 0046 Brafferton to West Moor Brafferton.