A message from your Parish Council
It concerns:
- those who may need help to deal with the increasing limitations on their domestic lives brought on by Coronavirus
- and those who could provide that help (see overleaf).
For those who do, or might in the future, need some help
Councillors hope this flyer finds you coping with the constraints which the government has placed upon us. Its purpose is to let you know what the Council intends to do to help parishioners lead as normal a life as possible in the circumstances. If you are in the increased risk group (you are aged 70 are over, have an underlying health condition or are pregnant) then this information is intended for you especially so if you have decided to self-isolate.
You may need help with shopping, collecting prescriptions or library books etc or just knowing who to call for a word of advice and a chat.
What to do
It’s quite likely that many reading this will have family or a neighbour to provide assistance but if you find yourself without this support then:
- complete the form below
- deliver it to Wesley House, Bridge Street , Helperby, YO1 2NU if you’re able to or
- call Roger Clements (the Council’s Clerk) on 01423 360602
Dear Brafferton & Helperby Parish Council,
I would like some assistance with shopping, prescription collection, sending parcels etc or something else
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (please specify)
I/we am/are …………………………………………………………………………………………….. name/s
I/we live at ………………………………………………………………………………………………. address
Telephone number ……………………….. home ………………………………… mobile
Email address …………………………………………………………………………………………..
(The Council respects your privacy and will only use your data for the purpose outlined in this flyer)
Now, here’s the bid for helpers
If you think you would like to help those isolated in their homes with collection and delivery of shopping and prescriptions etc and perhaps provide a link for advice or a friendly voice for a chat then this is the easy bit first. Call or email the Clerk, Roger Clements, on 01423 360602 or braffertonhelperby.pc@gmail.com and provide your contact details: name, address, email and phone (home & mobile ideally) and any relevant skill you may possess.
Data protection rules require me to tell you that your privacy is important to the council and your data will only be used for the purpose outlined in this flyer.
Plans are evolving, primarily because we don’t yet know the size of the task. Once we have an idea of the households needing assistance then we’ll know whether we shall be able to link one helper to a household or whether we shall need to adopt something like a zone system where a group of helpers will form a team and look after a group.
We shall have to ensure that helpers are behaving in a way which ensures their safety as well as that of those they are helping. A guide will be produced from the advice provided by government – you probably won’t be much surprised by the content but adherence will be mandatory.
And finally, some items of general Information
Pastoral Care
The Revd Debbie Coyne would like it known that she remains available for pastoral care. If you would like a chat on a subject spiritual or secular then please give her a call on 01423 360759.
Helperby Surgery
- Many of you will have already discovered that the Helperby Surgery is no longer operating a GP service in the village. All appointments are now run from Church Lane surgery in Boroughbridge; if you already have an appointment booked then you will be contacted by Church Lane surgery with details of any amendments or the manner for conducting the appointment. More use is likely to be made of telephone consultations.
- Helperby surgery is available for the collection of prescriptions only on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays from 0830 to 0930.
Stay safe,
Roger Clements
Clerk to Brafferton & Helperby Parish Council
Contact the Clerk here