Minutes of Extraordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 14 Jun 2016
Held at 8pm in Helperby Village Hall
Present: Cllr Chris Owens (Chairman), Cllr Mavis Hartley, Cllr Janice Attwood, Cllr Cris Connor, Cllr Caroline Patmore (Hambleton DC), Roger Clements (Clerk).
- Apologies
- An apology for absence was received from Cllr B Connor.
- Declarations of Interest not already declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
- None were received.
- Planning Matters
- PA 16/01142/OUT. Outline application for permission to construct up to 28 dwellings and means of vehicular access onto land to the east of Boroughbridge Road, Brafferton. It was resolved to send the following response to Hambleton DC:
The Council objects to this Planning Application for the following reasons:
- The proposed position of the access road to the site is too close to a bend on the Boroughbridge Road. Traffic travelling north from Brafferton has very poor sight lines rounding this bend.
- Councillors are doubtful that the existing sewers have the capacity to handle the increased flow at peak times; there will be an increased risk of overloading the sewer with consequent storm overflows to the Swale.
- The proposed property density on the site is too high and out of character for a village in a Conservation Area. Additionally the Council notes that the proposed number of new dwellings would increase the number of existing dwellings in Brafferton by about one third.
- The outline plan suggests that a high proportion of large detached properties are proposed. The village, like many others locally, has a need for smaller affordable housing and such properties should be included in the plan in the proportion that the District Council deem appropriate.
Finally, the Council points out that potential purchasers of the proposed new dwellings may be discouraged by the poor mobile phone coverage in the area – a situation unlikely to improve since the cancellation of the Mobile Infrastructure Project (MIP) Telecommunication Mast which was part constructed to the north of the village.