Minutes of Council Meeting Wednesday 20 July 2016
Held at 7.30pm in Helperby Village Hall
Present: Cllr Chris Owens (Chairman), Cllr Janice Attwood, Cllr Cris Connor, Cllr Barry Connor and Roger Clements (Clerk).
- Apologies
- Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hartley
- Declarations of Interest
- No declarations were made.
- Public Forum
- No members of the public were present.
- Minutes of the last meetings, held on 18 May and 14 June 2016
- Each of the minutes was agreed to be a true record and was signed accordingly by the Chairman.
- Clerk’s report
- BT have advised that the manhole cover on the approach to St Peter’s lych gate is rated DW (DriveWay) which means it is suitable for crossing by the light traffic which uses the track.
- Council meeting dates up to May 2017 are displayed on the council notice board and on its web pages within the Data North Yorkshire website.
- The mobile Post Office service remains unreliable and Stronger Communities Delivery at Hambleton District Council have been asked to act as broker in an attempt to improve the service.
- Hambleton District Council news
- No District Council information was available
- Finance
- Financial Report – Clerk reported expenditure to be as per budget except for the insurance premium with the new insurer which showed a saving of £50 against the budget.
- Bank Reconciliation – the Financial Working group confirmed the Bank Reconciliation to be in order.
- Clerk’s cost of living pay awards from April 2016 – it was resolved to accept the Local Government National Pay Awards from 1 April 2016 and 1 April 2017. A revised bank mandate was raised to increase the clerk’s pay to the new Spinal Column Point 21 rate.
- Highways and Transport
- There were no matters to report.
- Planning Matters
- PA 16/00002/FUL, proposal to convert a milking parlour into accommodation at Brafferton Manor – permitted by Hambleton District Council.
- PA 16/00951/CAT, proposal to do work to trees at 5 The Orchards – granted by Hambleton District Council
- PA 16/01142/OUT proposed outline planning permission for construction of up to 28 dwellings and vehicular access to land to the East of Boroughbridge Road – this council raised objections to the proposal
- PA 16/01188/CAT proposed work to tree at Airedale House, Hall Lane – permitted by Hambleton District Council
- Business Matters
- Traffic situation at Thornton Bridge – No repair of the damaged parapet had yet been carried out. The traffic light sequencing was a source of irritation to local users of the bridge – the traffic proximity control seemed not to respond to vehicles arriving on a red light when the bridge was clear (afternote: after replacement by NYCC of the batteries (following theft of the original batteries) the sequencing appeared to be improved). It was agreed that NYCC should be asked to provide details of its bridge repair and long term traffic management plans.
- Transforming our Communities consultation – cllr B Connor adumbrated the benefits of attending such events and agreed to attend one on behalf of the Council.
- Hall Lane verge – the western verge, between Brafferton Hall Gardens and School Terrace, was becoming overgrown (as it does each summer). It is part of land maintained by the parish council and could be turned into a pleasing amenity if it were cleared and re-planted. It was resolved that the Clerk should investigate how this small project could be taken forward either as a grassed strip or a planted border.
- Hambleton District Council Local Plan consultation – Chairman reported on this consultation which 3 cllrs had attended. The plan considers land for potential new development in the District, up to 2035, and includes 3 areas within Brafferton parish (Item 9.3 above is on land which comprises a portion of one of these areas). The fact that areas are identified does not imply that they have been chosen as suitable and each will be assessed on its merits and suitability by the District Council. Preferred sites will be consulted on in autumn 2016.
- YLCA Branch meeting of 16 June – Chairman described improvements to the NYCC Highways reporting mechanism (potholes, lights, verges etc) for the public and local councils. Individuals making reports may, in the near future, make them via a web portal direct to the appropriate NYCC department. This mechanism should result in faster responses.
- Correspondence
- Letter from M Kilpatrick ref Raskelf Road condition – it was agreed that the Council will continue to press NYCC to address the poor state of Raskelf Road and Main Street. An attempt will be made to persuade Highways to send a representative to attend a Parish Council meeting so parishioners may have their questions answered.
- Email from C Lewis ref PA 16/01142/OUT (item 9.3 above) – Mr Lewis countered the Council’s position on the Outline Planning Application; his comments were noted and the Council will respond to the points made.
Date of next Meeting Wednesday 21 September 2016