Minutes of Council Meeting Wednesday 21 September 2016
Held at 7.30pm in Helperby Village Hall
Present: Cllr Chris Owens (Chairman), Cllr Mavis Hartley, Cllr Janice Attwood, Cllr Cris Connor, Cllr Barry Connor, Cllr Caroline Patmore (Hambleton District Council), Roger Clements (Clerk).
- Apologies for Absence
- All cllrs were present.
- Declarations of Interest not already declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
- No declarations were made.
- Public Forum
- No members of the public were present.
- Minutes of the last meeting, held on 20 July 2016
- The minutes were agreed to be a true record and were signed accordingly by the Chairman,
- Clerk’s report
- Clerk reported that the council continued to press the Post Office to improve the mobile van service and now had a report number which would mean any further complaints would join the Post Office’s growing list on a single file. Chairman asked that any further shortcomings in the service should be reported to the Clerk so that our own records could be as complete as possible. The subject of Thornton Bridge continued to exercise cllrs regarding the lack of a proper repair to the parapet and the perception that sight lines over the bridge were thought to be less safe since the realignment of the approach roads. Anecdotal evidence suggests that, since the removal of the traffic lights, traffic incidents were more frequent. The council will continue to press NYCC on these issues.
- Hambleton District Council news
- Cllr Patmore outlined the District Council’s financial issues concerning waste collections. In an attempt to raise additional funds, specifically for the Green Bin collections, a charge of £35 will be charged per bin for a year’s collections. Residents will be able to opt in or out of the service and full details will be circulated later this year. Since the current re-cycling service using blue lidded bin and blue box was introduced re-cycling rates have improved from 40% to 60%.
- Finance
- Financial report – Clerk reported the council’s finances to be on budget and cllrs were reminded that the element for training was, as yet, unspent.
- Financial Working Group mid-year report – Cllr B Connor reported that the Financial Working Group had completed the mid-year review of the council’s accounts. Book-keeping and Bank Reconciliations were viewed in detail and no adverse comments were raised.
- Precept for FY2017/18 – Chairman outlined the process for preparation of the precept request and invited cllrs to consider each of the expenditure items individually. There was scope for the council to consider undertaking fresh projects in the next FY and suggestions were welcomed. The Clerk would draft a proposed budget, and associated precept, in discussion with the Chairman and circulate this document to cllrs in advance of the November meeting.
- Clerk’s pay – in accordance with the Clerk’s Contract of Employment a cheque was issued for holiday and back pay.
- Payment for Urban grass cutting – a cheque was issued for £1,050 to R Barley in settlement for grass cutting throughout the urban areas in Helperby and Brafferton parishes.
- Highways and Transport
- No business was tabled.
- Planning Matters
- PA 16/01142/OUT proposed outline planning permission for construction of up to 28 dwellings and vehicular access to land to the East of Boroughbridge Road – this council raised objections to the proposal.
- PA 16/01189/CAT proposed works to trees at 2 Birchwood Gardens – granted by Hambleton District Council.
- Business Matters
- Hall Lane verge – Clerk had previously circulated a quotation from Mr A Metcalfe of £225 for clearance of the verge followed by ground preparation and re-seeding with grass. It was resolved to accept the quotation and have the work done as promptly as possible. A parishioner had generously offered to underwrite the cost of this work and the Chairman was asked to accept the offer on behalf of the council.
- Report on Transforming our Communities consultation – cllr B Connor had attended the consultation and found it only of limited value as no expert responses to questions were available. The report had been circulated before the meeting and no questions were raised.
- Correspondence
- Letter from York Disabled Workers Co-operative – cllrs noted the letter but decided to take no action.
- Letter from Citizens Advice (Hambleton Office) – cllrs noted that this Citizens Advice office was the one were local residents were most likely to use when advice was needed. It was resolved, under the powers of the Local Government Act s137, to make a grant of £25 towards the running of this office.
- Correspondence with Mr C Lewis ref proposed development on Boroughbridge Road – Chairman read his latest response made in this sequence between Mr Lewis and the council. There seemed little more to add while Hambleton District Council consider the Planning Application.
Date of next Meeting Wednesday 16 November 2016