Minutes of Annual Meeting for Parishioners Wednesday 18 May 2016
Held at 7.30pm in Helperby Village Hall
Present: Cllr Owens (Chairman), Cllr Hartley, Cllr Attwood, Cllr B Connor, Roger Clements (Clerk), cllr Patmore (Hambleton DC) plus one member of the public.
- Minutes of the last meeting for parishioners of 20 May 2015
- The minutes were previously approved and were reviewed.
- Matters arising from the Minutes
- Cllrs noted that the surface condition of Raskelf Road and Main Street, Helperby remained as poor as ever. Specific concern was expressed that road works were again taking place in Pasture Lane despite the protestations that had previously been made by the PC when works on the lane had taken place even though Main Street Helperby/Raskelf Road Brafferton were clearly in much greater need of attention. The Council would continue to press NYCC on this matter.
- Chairman’s Report
- The Chairman presented his report for the year to 31 March 2016 (copy attached).
- Questions for the Council
- The Council was asked to clarify the status of the access track to St Peter’s lych gate: was it a footpath, a track or a road and was it a Right of Way? No definitive answer was available. The Council believed the triangle of land, including the track, to be common land under the care of the parish council but no answer could currently be provided as to specific access rights. If the track did prove to be a Right of Way then it would be the case that to block such a track would be illegal. The Council agreed to request that St Peter’s PCC notify the occupants of 6-8 Bridge Street when funeral and wedding services were to take place. Further discussion took place including suggestions for signage but no decisions were made. A further question was raised concerning the load bearing status of a BT man-hole cover at the eastern end of the track. The Council agreed to contact BT Openreach on this issue. Afternote: BT Openreach advised that the cover is classified as a DriveWay cover and is suitable for passage by domestic and light commercial vehicles.
Date of next Annual Meeting for Parishioners Wednesday 17 May 2017