Minutes of Annual Council Meeting Wednesday 18 May 2016
Held at 7.30pm in Helperby Village Hall
Present: Cllr Chris Owens (Chairman), Cllr Mavis Hartley, Cllr Janice Attwood, Cllr Barry Connor, Cllr Caroline Patmore (Hambleton DC), Roger Clements (Clerk).
- Chairman of the Council
- Cllr Owens was proposed as Chairman by cllr B Connor, elected unanimously and duly signed the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
- Vice-Chairman of the Council
- As the council was not fully present the election of a Vice-Chairman was deferred to the next meeting.
- Apologies for Absence
- Apologies were received from cllr C Connor.
- Declarations of Interest not already declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
- Cllr Owens declared an interest in Item 8.11.
- Minutes of the last meeting, held on 16 March 2016
- The minutes were agreed to be a true record and were signed accordingly by the Chairman.
- Clerk’s report:
- A letter had been sent to the Post Office (see Item 12.4) but to date no reply had been received. Moreover, further instances of the mobile Post Office failing to appear and failing to inform the community of service disruption had occurred. Cllr Padmore confirmed that she had received similar reports from other communities served by the mobile van.
- Maintenance of the council land at St Peter’s lych gate had begun and the area was looking very attractive.
- Hambleton District Council news – cllr Patmore reported that:
- The Thirsk Leisure Centre had been updated.
- Following the introduction of the blue topped re-cycling bins, initial data showed a marked reduction in waste going to landfill. When more figures come available it was anticipated that re-cycling percentages would show a significant rise.
- Responsibility for the Galtres Centre, Easingwold was in the process of being passed from Hambleton DC to Easingwold Town Council.
- Development of the old Northallerton Prison site was due to start in 2017.
- The Tour de Yorkshire was scheduled to take place in 2017 and 18 and Hambleton DC anticipated the receipt of additional money for road surface improvements (some of which, it is hoped, would be used on roads in the Easingwold area).
- Finance
- Bank Account Reconciliation – the Financial Working Group reported the bank reconciliation to be in order.
- End of year Financial Report and budget FY 2016/17 – Clerk reported that the Council’s funds totalled £4,154 at 31 March 16 of which £2,000 is ring fenced for War Memorial cobbles improvement. The budget adopted in November did not need any amendment at present.
- Annual Financial Review by Financial Working Group – cllr B Connor confirmed that the annual financial review had taken place on 3 May 2016 and no observations were raised.
- Annual Governance statement in the Annual Return 2015/16 – cllr B Connor confirmed that the statements made on the relevant page of the Annual Return were all correct. The Chairman and Clerk signed the Annual Governance statement accordingly.
- Accounting statement in the Annual Return 2015/16 – cllr B Connor confirmed that the statements made on the relevant page of the Annual Return were all correct. The Chairman signed the Annual Accounting statement accordingly.
- Local Audit procedure for FY 2016/17 – it was resolved that the current Local Audit process where Brafferton PC convene with a group of local Parish Councils at Coronation Hall, Boroughbridge to conduct peer audits be continued.
- Financial Working Group for 2016/17 – it was resolved that cllrs Attwood and B Connor continue as members of the Financial Working Group.
- Insurance premium – it was resolved to change insurer and to take a Long term (3 year) Agreement with Aon UK Limited at an annual premium of £199.62.
- Subscription payments FY 2016/17 – it was resolved that the Council would continue to subscribe to YLCA, SLCC, CPRE and RAY and the Clerk was authorised to raise cheques in favour of each organisation when their subscription demands were received provided the charges had been increased by no more than 5% of the previous year’s charge.
- Clerk’s pay and PAYE procedures – It was resolved that the current arrangements should remain in force whereby the Clerk’s salary is paid by monthly Standing Order and a quarterly cheque is issued for the PAYE amount notified by HMRC. For Pay Months 6 & 12 the Clerk is to raise a cheque for pay in lieu of holiday at the rate agreed in his Terms of Employment.
- Cheque signatories – it was resolved that cheque signatories should be any two from cllrs Owens, Hartley and Attwood.
- Grant to Helperby Village Hall – it was resolved (cllr Owens abstaining) to issue a cheque for £200 to Helperby Village Hall as a grant to defray costs associated with dovecote insurance and maintenance of the infants’ play area (this grant was previously approved at the Council’s meeting of 20 January 16). Further potential grant support to the Village Hall to be discussed in conjunction with Helperby PC once the hall trustees present their next financial statement.
- Highways and Transport
- No items to report.
- Planning Matters
- PA 15/00065/FUL, proposed extensions, amended, at Laurel Farm, Brafferton – granted by Hambleton District Council
- PA 16/00002/FUL, proposal to convert a milking parlour into accommodation at Brafferton Manor – this council raised no objection.
- PA 16/00129/FUL, proposal to site polytunnel at Avenue Woods, Pilmoor – granted by Hambleton District Council
- Business Matters
- Council meeting dates 2016/17 (20 Jul 16, 21 Sep 16, 16 Nov 16, 18 Jan 17, 15 Mar 17 & 17 May 17) – all dates were agreed.
- Council representatives:
- YLCA Hambleton Branch – cllr Owens
- Hambleton Parish Liaison meetings (biannual at County Hall) – cllr Owens
- Village Hall – cllr C Connor
- Neighbourhood Watch – cllr Hartley
- Helperby & Brafferton War Memorial Committee – cllr Owens
- Easingwold & Villages Community Forum (2 monthly at various venues) – tbc
- Queen’s 90th Birthday celebration (12 June) – preparations were in hand for a village party on the Sports Field with games for children and adults, various fun competitions, a pay bar and a tea party for which all participants were invited to bring donations of appropriate party food.
- Feast planning – Feast planning this year was in the hands of a group only loosely connected to the two parish councils. Brafferton PC had been informed that its participation was no longer required.
- Correspondence
- The following item had been circulated to cllrs:
- Letter from Mr M Kilpatrick ref Boroughbridge Road development proposal
- Letter from D&CM&S ref mobile phone mast project
- letter from NYCC ref No 29 bus service
- Letter from BPC to Post Office ref mobile Post Office service
- The following item had been circulated to cllrs:
Date of next Meeting 20 July 2016