Wednesday 17 May 2017
Held at 7.30pm in Helperby Village Hall
Present: Cllr Chris Owens (Chairman), Cllr Mavis Hartley, Cllr Janice Attwood, Cllr Caroline Patmore (Hambleton DC), Cllr Peter Sowray (North Yorkshire CC), Roger Clements (Clerk) plus two members of the public.
- Elect the Chairman of the Council
- Cllr Attwood proposed that Cllr Owens be elected as Chairman. Cllr Owens agreed to stand, was elected unanimously and signed the Chairman’s Acceptance of Office.
- Elect the Vice-Chairman of the Council
- Cllr Hartley proposed that Cllr Attwood be elected as Vice-Chairman. Cllr Attwood agreed to stand and was elected unanimously as Vice-Chairman.
- Receive Apologies for Absence
- There were no absentees.
- Receive Declarations of Interest
- No declarations were received.
- Approve Minutes of the last meeting, held on 30 March 2017
- Cllr Hartley proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true record. It was so agreed and the Chairman duly signed the minutes.
- Clerk’s report
- The website was now fully populated, as planned, with council information.
- Both grass cutting contractors had started work for the 2017 season.
- The ‘Swingbridge’ footbridge project was about to start. 20 tons of crushed stone had been donated anonymously and Robert Revely had offered to construct the path using his own workforce. Helperby PC had agreed to pay for a further 10 tons of crushed stone and the grant money from Brafferton PC would be used to hire a dumper truck small enough to operate along the fottpath. The work was expected to begin within weeks once conditions were suitable.
- The s137 amount for FY 2017/18 was £7.57 per elector allowing a maximum of £1,740 to be spent by the council using this power, when required, from the Local Government Act.
- No volunteers had come forward to be elected as cllrs to fill the two cllr vacancies. The vacancies would therefore be filled by co-option.
- The Chairman decided that there should be an opportunity to hear comments from the floor. Cllr Patmore reported that: she was likely to remain on the Hambleton DC Planning Committee; the Northallerton prison site clearance, prior to the start of construction work, was virtually complete, that the election of DC Chairman was imminent (afternote – John Noone was elected to the post) and there were issues with blue bin recycling. If incorrect or dirty items were placed in the re-cycling bins parishioners would first be advised, then warned and potentially could find bin collection refused. Cllr Sowray confirmed that he expected to continue to serve Chairman of the NYCC Planning committee and confirmed the new NYCC Chairman to be Helen Swiers.
- Finance
- Financial Report and budget FY 2017/18 – Clerk summarized the council accounts for FY 2016/17. There had been a small overspend against the budget as the council had paid to have its own website designed. This overspend had been more than offset by a government grant towards website expenditure and £ 945 had been added to council reserves of which £510 is ring fenced for future purchase of a laptop and software.
- Internal Annual Financial Review report – Cllr Attwood confirmed that the review had been completed by the Financial Working group (FWG) and the Chairman could sign the accounts for FY 2016/17 as a true and proper record which he then did.
- Section 1 of the Annual Return (Annual Governance Statement) – Cllr Attwood confirmed that the statements at Section 1 of the Annual Return could all be answered ‘Yes’ (except for No 9 which was N/A) and Chairman and Clerk then signed the approval fields.
- Section 2 of the Annual Return (Accounting Statements) – Cllr Attwood confirmed that the accounting statements were correct and the Chairman then signed the approval field.
- Local Auditor for FY 2017/18 – it was resolved that the current Local Audit process where Brafferton PC convene with a group of local Parish Councils at Coronation Hall, Boroughbridge to conduct peer audits be continued.
- Payment of insurance premium of £204.18 to Aon UK Ltd – payment was approved.
- Subscription payments FY 2017/18 – YLCA, SLCC, CPRE and Community First Yorkshire (previously RAY, see item 11.4) – it was resolved that the Council would continue to subscribe to YLCA, SLCC, CPRE and Community First Yorkshire/RAY and the Clerk was authorised to raise cheques in favour of each organisation when their subscription demands were received provided the charges had been increased by no more than 5% of the previous year’s charge.
- Clerk’s pay and PAYE procedures – it was resolved that the current arrangements should remain in force whereby the Clerk’s salary is paid by monthly Standing Order and a quarterly cheque is issued for the PAYE amount notified by HMRC. For Pay Months 6 & 12 the Clerk is to raise a cheque for 12 hours of website work plus pay in lieu of holiday at the rate agreed in his Terms of Employment.
- Cheque signatories – it was resolved that cheque signatories should be any two from cllrs Owens, Hartley and Attwood.
- Highways and Transport
- It was agreed that the composition of the Thornton Bridge committee should comprise cllrs Owens, Attwood and Hartley.
- Thornton Bridge – Cllr Sowray provided an update on work planned at the bridge by NYCC. Over the period 24-25 August 2017 the approach road from the north will be raised to improve car driver sight lines and the balustrade repairs will be completed.
- Planning Matter
- Planning Application 16/01142/OUT, proposed outline planning permission for construction of up to 28 dwellings and vehicular access to land to the East of Boroughbridge Road – awaiting decision by Hambleton District Council
- Planning Application 16/02391/FUL, proposed change of use at Brafferton Manor Milking Parlour, Boroughbridge Road – granted by Hambleton District Council. It was noted that Hambleton DC planning department had not presented any response from the Environmental Health Service concerning the anthrax pit adjacent to the site. Clerk had requested this information but, to date, no reply had been received.
- Business Matters
- Council meeting dates: (All Wednesdays) 19 Jul 17, 20 Sep 17, 15 Nov 17, 17 Jan 18, 21 Mar 18 & 16 May 18 were confirmed.
- Complaint received from Mr B Connor – Chairman summarised the complaint and the Council’s response.
- Council Standing orders, Complaints Procedures and procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998. No changes were put forward but it was noted that it had been 5 years since the council had completed a verges survey. Clerk to arrange for this survey to take place.
- Council Risk Assessments – this document was last amended on 16 Nov 16 and no further amendment was proposed.
- Grant to Easingwold Community Library – proposal to remain in abeyance.
- Appoint Council representatives:
- YLCA Hambleton Branch – cllrs CO or JA.
- Hambleton Parish Liaison meetings (biannual at County Hall) -cllr CO.
- Village Hall – cllr MH.
- Neighbourhood Watch – cllr MH.
- Helperby & Brafferton War Memorial Committee – cllr CO.
- Easingwold & Villages Community Forum (2 monthly at various venues) – tbc
- Correspondence
- Craven & Harrogate CAB – a request for funding had been received. Cllr Hartley proposed that £30 be sent under s137 powers and it was resolved so to do.
- Hambleton Area Committee – no volunteers were forthcoming to act as co-opted members
- Hambleton DC – Local Plan & Local Greenspace consultation. No action proposed.
- Rural Action Yorkshire – planned merger with North Yorkshire & York Forum. Document to be circulated
Date of next meeting – Wednesday 19 July 2017