Wesley House, Bridge Street, Helperby, York, YO61 2NU
Tel: 01423 360602. E-mail:
To Members of the Land & Maintenance Committee
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Land and Maintenance Committee of Brafferton and Helperby Parish Council at Helperby Village Hall on Thursday 8 August 2019 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:
R Clements Clerk to the Council
Saturday, 03 August 2019
- Receive Apologies for Absence
- To confirm co-option of Mr Geoff Oxley and Mr Steve Laux as members of the Committee
- Receive any Declarations of Interest not already declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
- Public Forum
- Cobbles Re-Instatement Plan
- To receive information on progress on the formulation of the ‘Cobbles Reinstatement Plan’
- To receive a proposal regarding the purchase of a suitable computer to enable the photogrammetry survey to be completed and make recommendations to the Council
- To receive an update on the Village Hall driveway and surface water drainage project
- To consider and agree a timeline for the Village Hall driveway and surface water drainage project and make recommendations to the Council
- Legal Issues – Cobbles
- To consider the cobbled areas to be transferred to B&HPC from the Lord of the Manor of Helperby and make recommendations to the Council
- To consider the cobbled areas to be transferred to B&HPC from the Lord of the Manor of Brafferton and make recommendations to the Council
- Former Helperby Parish Council Allotments
- To receive a report on the status of the former Helperby Parish Council allotments from Sandra Windross
- To receive a report on the leases associated with each individual allotment from Sandra Windross
- To confirm a date from Sandra Windross for a tour of the allotments
- Legal Issues – Other areas in the Manors of Helperby & Brafferton
- To consider other areas within the Parish of Helperby to be transferred to B&HPC from the Lord of the Manor of Helperby and make recommendations to the Council
- To consider other areas within the Parish of Brafferton to be transferred to B&HPC from the Lord of the Manor of Brafferton and make recommendations to the Council
- Public Information
- To consider the most appropriate means of keeping the community informed of developments with the cobbles and the allotments
Date of next Meeting (TBC)